Design & Engineering Services for Fired Heaters and other similar equipment
Our engineers use the latest in engineering and software technology coupled with in-depth experience to provide the most optimized designs for Fired Heaters. This leads to low capital and operating costs along with long equipment usable life.
Esteem’s design department is fully equipped to handle engineering projects of any size.
Scope of our design & engineering activities
Basic and detailed engineering
Structural design (Static, Wind, Seismic)
Pressure parts design
Piping flexibility & stress analysis
Connection (joint) design calculations
Tube support design
Refractory design and detailing
Transportation & Lifting Lug design
Design for modularisation
3D modeling
Procurement engineering
Design and engineering for Dampers

Data Protection
At Esteem, control of Client’s drawings and documents are given top priority. Employees are informed about the usage rights and restrictions and same is strictly enforced. Safeguarding of data is very important and we have an hourly backup system which ensures minimum data loss in case of unexpected outages.
List of Software Applications available*
WinHeat Fired Heater Rating and Simulation Software
Aveva PDMS
Autodesk Plant 3D
Autodesk Revit
Autodesk Advance Steel
Autodek P&ID
Autodesk MEP
Autodesk Electrical
Autodesk Civil 3D
Autodesk Architecture
Autodesk Utility Design
Autodesk Infraworks 360
Autodesk Navisworks Manage
Autodesk Map 3D
Autodesk 3DS Max
Autodesk Structural Analysis for Revit
Autodesk AutoCad
Graitec Advance Design
Graitec AdvanceCAD
Bentley STAAD Pro
ISOMEC from Parascadd
TanRef (Proprietary In-house Refractory Heat Transfer Calculations Software)
Numerous opensource analysis, design and calculation software applications like:
* list is liable to change
Our software applications allow us to perform rapid and accurate engineering for Fired Heater projects of any size and complexity.
Many Fortune 500 companies trust us with their Design & Engineering requirements
Get in touch with us to find how we can provide design and engineering services for your next project.